What is the price of one friendship?
We meet thousand people, we make hundred relationships, we smile, we cry, we find, we lose.... we live our life just to meet one person to be with (friends/more, doesn't matter, just to be). One? yes... real friend, who is sincerely interested in your life. Not to laugh about your faults, but to take care of you when you fall.
Only this person can walk with you on the road of life obstacles to support you! Not whining!!! Of course, this person is near not only in bad moments! To find out who is real friend you just need to be happy, and check if he is happy for you too... Sometimes it's easier to be friends in tough time, but to be truly happy for your win is really hard!
What can you give for a moment of happiness?
We can go through all difficulties to get instant of it. Is this expensive for you?
Being depressed is life norm for me now. I stumbled too much in this life. Too naive for this century. But human nature is more cruel than I usually expect...
Yes, here we go again - Friends.
"Time goes by, but friends stay." - it works, but not always.
I paid a lot in this life to realize the value of real friendship.
Thank You, God, for giving me all I had, to go through everything, to survive, to become more experienced, to understand, to learn, to feel....
Yes! To feel means a lot for me!
I love to feel pain, cause after you can compare it to happiness, and then to be much more happier. More and more...
I love to be happy, cause it's not so often... so, I must catch every happy moment and appreciate it, making a new "idol", to pray on... Yes, to pray on happy moment. To beg this moment to stay for longer...
Have you ever been "unemotional"? You know, it's when you see something beautiful, but you don't want to admire... Or to stay calm when see somebody crying...
Sometimes I am too emotional, but at least I SEE THE BEAUTY OF THE WORLD, while you discuss the latest rumours about others.
I don't care if you think I'm insignificant.
WE ALL have own universe inside, but we never wish for exploring ourself and others.... But there are so many interesting and amazing... Just dive into yourself, find something that you will love yourself for... Try to understand WHO YOU ARE, and then, look into your friends.
You think it's enough to look in the eyes to understand the person you talk with?
Noup... Dig deeper.
Sometimes people blind themselves, so even they don't know who they are...