Tuesday, October 25, 2011

what the hell we live for?

What is the meaning of Life? What do we live for, spending every second on something that has nothing to do with the meaning of life… We wake up, clean teeth, cook and then eat breakfast, go to studies or work, come back bored-tired-angry, eat dinner, argue with our relatives or beloved, and then sleep – sleep… to wake up for repeating the circle of “life”. But is it really LIFE??? Is it everything what we mean by life?

Maybe life is something abstract, and every person has own meaning of life. For example, driver has to drive, seller to sell, singer to sing… or it must be something concrete, precise…like to plant a tree, to build a house and to have a child – but still, your tree can be cut, your house can be burned, your child can also die… what then? You lose the reason to live then?

Another meaning of life can be main life – live the way you do, and that is the point. Live for life, lift your legs and let the stream of life-river bring you somewhere, where only God knows… Or is it better to “fight” with a stream, to create a new way for the future?

Some people believe that the reason of our life is God. He created us. He gave us a soul to live, heart to feel, brain to think and understand. But what for? Maybe, he made us to love him? But is there any benefit for him, if we just love him? I bet only he knows the answers on all questions.

Anyway, it would be always the biggest mind-breaker with a question mark – what is the meaning of Life?


Please, comment it here or via e-mail: youleeyaa@gmail.com

Monday, October 10, 2011

Post №100 !

This post is dedicated to my mother.

Umbilical cord is something that connected us physical when I was inside you... after you gave me birth, something really strong continued our great link to each other. You feel me so real, like I am a part of your body... Like you feel your fingers, your skin, your heart beating...

I am the air you breath. You know if it's cold or warm... You feel me so deep, so even your heart can start beating faster, if I am running...

You blood is inside me, so you know if there are happy or sad emotions dancing inside my cells... You know if I am healthy...

I am your tears. You feel if I am falling down on your cheeks... and you always try to catch every drop, not to crash on the floor.

You know when I am scared or joyful.... when I am weeping or laughing...

I am a part of you, and you are a part of my life. I will never be less grateful, I will never forget what you have done for me... what you are still doing for me...

I love you so much... mom....

Monday, October 3, 2011

Dedicated to all who are in love


Happiness is one of the reasons to live!

When you are happy, you want to live longer to create something great and make other people happy too. Upset people are not willing to live at all…

Maybe it is just the result of hormones, but our body really can work better in a state of happiness. Being happy you can also heal serious sicknesses. This feeling makes you be mentally and physically healthy. But if you are sick, and in the same time, frustrated and unhappy, this sickness can destroy you!

To change your mind and start being happy you must work on yourself – try to see the life from the most positive point of view. If you lost something valuable, don’t worry, because somebody will find it and become happier! Sometimes by losing something, we get more in our life, like the universe compensates it to us. Every empty place will definitely be filled with something. If you are unhappy, try to release the problem and feelings connected to it, and this empty space will let happiness to penetrate your mind!

It is like a drug – you enjoy it, and you are kind of addicted to it. If it is a drug, obviously, without it you feel bad. The easiest way how to get the “dose” of happiness is to make somebody else happy!

Be happy and make other people happier! Get one more reason to live healthy!