Tuesday, October 25, 2011

what the hell we live for?

What is the meaning of Life? What do we live for, spending every second on something that has nothing to do with the meaning of life… We wake up, clean teeth, cook and then eat breakfast, go to studies or work, come back bored-tired-angry, eat dinner, argue with our relatives or beloved, and then sleep – sleep… to wake up for repeating the circle of “life”. But is it really LIFE??? Is it everything what we mean by life?

Maybe life is something abstract, and every person has own meaning of life. For example, driver has to drive, seller to sell, singer to sing… or it must be something concrete, precise…like to plant a tree, to build a house and to have a child – but still, your tree can be cut, your house can be burned, your child can also die… what then? You lose the reason to live then?

Another meaning of life can be main life – live the way you do, and that is the point. Live for life, lift your legs and let the stream of life-river bring you somewhere, where only God knows… Or is it better to “fight” with a stream, to create a new way for the future?

Some people believe that the reason of our life is God. He created us. He gave us a soul to live, heart to feel, brain to think and understand. But what for? Maybe, he made us to love him? But is there any benefit for him, if we just love him? I bet only he knows the answers on all questions.

Anyway, it would be always the biggest mind-breaker with a question mark – what is the meaning of Life?


Please, comment it here or via e-mail: youleeyaa@gmail.com

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